A shaped body has become the common desire. Shaped body is very much possible with weight loss supplements is a common perception. This is where diet pills raining in the market like anything. A common myth is gaining ground that these pills can make people slim overnight. The myth deserves true analysis. When it comes to diet pills for weight loss three questions arise at a time.
A prescription pill is what?
Are diet pills for weight loss safe?
What are the most common diet pills?
Being obese is almost like social stigma. So diet pills have become the only way to get rid of this stigma. Weight loss pills are made of both herbs as well as chemicals. Moreover medicines used for the purpose of weight loss are categorized as weight loss supplements. These over the counter dietary supplements are very popular with folks who look for a magical solution to their obesity. But popularity does not always mean something positive. These dietary supplements are not quite safe. They cause more harm than good over a long period of time. That is why most of the doctors recommend not take it.
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Nowadays more than 120 diet pills for weight loss are available in the market. But few meet the criteria fixed by the Food and Drug Administration in America. Although some of these products cause weight loss for a short period of time. But the potential side effects of these products out weigh the benefits of the weight loss. That is why most of these diet supplements are banned. Some diet pills are the said to be the best diet pills but in actual there is clinical evidence to prove their efficacy in the weight loss.
Market is also full of herbal diet supplements for reducing weight. These are supposed to be safer. But there are contradictory or inadequate evidences to prove this claim. Some the herbal diet pills are Ephedra, Gurana and Hoodia diet pills. Among these herbal pills Hoodia diet pills are very popular. Hoodia is plant found in South Africa and Namibia. The extract of this plant is used in the preparation of diet pills. Hoodia is a diet suppressant and reduces the urge for eating. It affects brain directly where the electrical impulse creates the feeling of hunger. Its effect on the animals is clinically proved. But on humans there is conclusive evidence to prove its effect in weight loss. However there is a consensus in the medical circle that Hoodia diet pills are comparatively safer.
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